Mame emulators
Mame emulators

mame emulators

You can try other MAME cores if the MAME 2003 does not support the games you want to play.


You can download MAME 2003 from within the RetroArch or other external sources. However, it does not support rumble, sensors, camera, and location. It also supports game saves, netplay, native cheats, console controllers, keyboard, and multi-mouse. MAME 2003 supports many vintage arcade games, especially the 2D-era arcade games. So, what is the best MAME emulator for RetroArch? The Best MAME core for RetroArch is the MAME 2003, which is derived from xmame 0.78. If you are interested in playing vintage arcade games on your gaming PC, you might be wondering which is the best MAME emulator for RetroArch.


Nicola Salmoria developed it in 2009, since then, there are several MAME cores you can download and install on RetroArch.


They only support a fixed list of motherboard configurations, only a fixed list of circuit board layouts in cartridges, and only a fixed list of expansion cards in systems that support those.MAME is a free and open-source emulator designed to emulate arcade game systems in gaming PCs and other gaming devices. Aside from that, though, they're similar in design to MAME. Other emulators emulate systems with swappable external storage like cartridges or magnetic disks, they support future-proof, documented file formats that describe the contents of the cartridges or disks (sometimes rather inaccurately called "ROMs"), and they will make a best effort to emulate any file that fits the format. They could retain support for the old ROM file in such cases, but they have no interest in doing that because the data is conceptually a part of the emulator and they want to be free to refactor it like anything else. The change might even have no effect on the emulation in practice: for example, the old ROM dump contained garbage values for addresses that weren't actually stored in the ROM chip, and the new dump correctly omits those values. The external files could change from version to version for many reasons. The executable rejects external files whose checksum doesn't match the expected checksum stored in the executable. Because the external files are conceptually part of the executable, there is only one correct set of bits for every file. This is partly to keep the executable from becoming absurdly large, and partly for copyright reasons.


All code and data needed for emulation of most of the chips is compiled into the MAME executable, but for practical reasons, the contents of ROM chips are stored in external files. The complete circuit board layout of every game is stored in the MAME executable. MAME emulates a fixed, finite (if rather large) list of arcade games. Personally I have 2 MAME versions around so I can play some games that I don't have the updated ROMs for. The challenge for the users who need to play all games on the latest MAME is to find a reliable source to download "recent" roms, knowing that it's still barely legal to do so if you don't own the original machine to say the least. This allows MAME to emulate the bare metal, without any shortcuts, but since 1996 a lot of archives became invalid, and the confusion was even greater when Android/Raspberry Pi MAME4All version forked from an old 0.37b5 MAME core (newer MAME versions are a lot more CPU intensive) and retained the old versions of the ROMs. even protection chips were emulated instead of just "cracking" the game by code.they dropped the YM sound redirection now fully emulated (to be honest, it could be because Soundblaster cards aren't useable on nowadays PCs, but the FM sound was a wonder to listen to).

mame emulators


zip archives (tools like ClrMAME exist to "repair" romsets but anyhow it's a mess): the data is almost the same, but somehow renamed or with some small data missing.

  • some more strict renaming rules were decided, breaking compatibility with old.
  • For instance, a "bootleg" version is the original version with just one file changed.
  • a lot of "common rom parts" were identified so different versions were just an add-on to the original ROM set, without repeating the data.
  • When MAME evolved to try to emulate all machines as faithfully as possible and without any shortcuts it's just a ROM dump of the program code), with roms from all chips included. The main difference with, say a NES or Sega Megadrive emulator is that MAME is able to emulate a lot of different hardware, and the ROMs that you feed the emulator with is a ROM set (on NES/SNES.
  • sometimes the emulator used the Yamaha YM chip from the popular Sounblaster / AWE64 to play the sounds of games which used similar YM chips.
  • giving names to EEPROMS that weren't the most logical.
  • hardcoding some game data / hardware color palette in the code.
  • When MAME started, the aim was to make the classic games work on a "modern" machine.

    Mame emulators